Welcome to the Magic of Being Human

Everything around you was created by a human mind. The chair you are sitting on was a tree until someone somewhere came up with the idea of a chair. The design of your house. The education system. Capitalism. All human creations. Humans, just like you. Amazing, right?

We ALL are the Creators, the Shapers, the Birth-Givers of this reality. We are also not immortal, but somehow we keep on forgetting all of that.

So… given that you are surely going to die, how could you give yourself the gift of a well-spent life? What is it that you want? 

I advocate for clarity, presence, connection, and empowered living.
For that, I integrate personal development, magic, and spirituality.

What we are going for is alignment of mind, heart, body, and soul.

Who am I?

Hi! I'm Aline, the creator, facilitator, healer, writer, and goofball behind this newsletter. 🌪

I've been going to mystery schools and studying the “unknown” since I was a teenager. I also went to business school and for years worked for start-ups and nonprofits. I eventually had an existential breakthrough that led me to quit everything - my job, my country, my relationship - and go on a sabbatical for two years. During this break, I decided to put my energy to better usage: to support more people to get clarity and inner alignment, so we can all live more intentional, empowered, and fulfilling lives.

It came to me that what we are constantly losing sight of is the very basics of life: 

Do I know what I really want? Why am I setting for less, and not going after my dreams? Why can't I say no to people? Why am I anxious, instead of enjoying the present moment? Why am I so hard on myself?

Back to basics. Solid foundations. The stuff we think we got covered, but keep forgetting. That's where clarity, alignment, love, and power reside.

As I see it, we are all artists, and our greatest work of art is how we live our lives. Yet, we put more time preparing work meetings than we put energy into how we want our daily lives to be. Become is here to change that. 

Ultimately, I believe in a world where we are deeply connected to our hearts and live in harmony, for we all honor the gift of being alive and our innate power to create our own reality.

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. I will write to you mostly once a week (on Tuesdays). Some weeks I might send a second email. But it won't be more than that, I promise.

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Providing solid foundations for spiritual growth & soul fulfillment.


Energy worker & spiritual guide. I provide solid foundations for soul fulfillment and spiritual progression.